Technical report

South Pacific agriculture: challenges and opportunities for ACIAR and its research partners

Date released
11 February 1987
Publication Code

Gabrielle J. Persley and Paul Ferrar (eds)



The Policy Advisory Council of AClAR met in Apia, Western Samoa, on 17-21 June 1985. As part. of the week-long discussions, ACIAR organised a one-day seminar on South Pacific agriculture with the aims of: describing the agricultural sector in the South Pacific to those members of the Council not familiar with the region; outlining ACIAR's activities in the region; seeking the views of other agencies working in the Pacific on agricultural research needs and possible areas of collaboration; raising policy issues related to AClAR's activities in the Pacific for the Council's consideration; obtaining from the Council members their views on the future direction of ACIAR's program in the South Pacific. In addition to reporting on the Apia Seminar, this volume also contains a description of ACIAR's activities in the South Pacific, and reports on progress of the 18 projects AClAR is currently supporting in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.