
Suggested recommendations for the fumigation of grain in the ASEAN region

Date released
06 January 1989
Publication Code

ASEAN Food Handling Bureau, Kuala Lumpur



This publication looks at the role of fumigation in pest control in grain storage. It includes guidelines for fumigation, best-practice management, and the benefits of different types of gas. It was originally published in English, Indonesian and Chinese, and the following publications are still available. English: Part 1 Principles and general practice, Part 2 Carbon dioxide fumigation of bag-stacks sealed in plastic enclosures: an operations manual. Indonesian: Part 1 Principles and general practice, Part 2 Carbon dioxide fumigation of bag-stacks sealed in plastic enclosures: an operations manual, Part 3 Phosphine fumigation of bag-stacks sealed in plastic enclosures: an operations manual. Chinese: Part 2 Carbon dioxide fumigation of bag-stacks sealed in plastic enclosures: an operations manual. For hard copies please contact ACIAR