International Congress on Biological Invasions 2023 | Pacific biosecurity

Event Dates
03 May 2023
ICBI 2023 Pacific Biosecurity

1:30-3:10pm (NZST) | Christchurch New Zealand 

ACIAR is sponsoring a session on Pacific Biosecurity issues at the International Congress on Biological Invasions (ICBI). Talks will cover a range of biosecurity risks to Pacific Island Countries, including animal health, coconuts, and policy toolboxes for action. 

Speakers and topics


  • Leyla Kaufman - Strengthening Biosecurity in Hawaii and the Pacific
  • Jean-Yves Meyer - 25 years of invasive alien species management in the islands of French Polynesia (South Pacific): successes…and failures
  • Sivapragasam Annamalai - Developing a biosecurity plan for the Papua New Guinea coconut industry
  • Kimberley Seaward - New marine biosecurity toolkit for Pacific Island countries and territories
  • Richard Griffiths - Addressing the threat of invasive species to deliver a resilient Pacific


International Congress on Biological Invasions 2023


The 4th International Congress on Biological Invasions (ICBI2023) will be hosted in Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, from 1-4 May 2023.

ICBI2023 will provide a science forum to explore, share and develop effective responses to the global challenges and threats that Invasive Alien Species (IAS) present to biodiversity, ecological systems and food production and security in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovation, Collaboration, and Partnership are the high-level themes for ICBI2023. The focus is broad covering invasive animal (vertebrate, invertebrate), pathogen and weed species across terrestrial, freshwater and aquatic ecosystems, and spanning the biosecurity continuum (pre-border, at-border and post-border), and long-term pest management, including impacts on biodiversity.

Find out more and register for ICBI2023