
Previous Looking forward

This book presents a brief account of the establishment of ACIAR and a selection of stories about partnerships, projects and people over 40 years. It has not been possible to tell the stories, show the photographs or name all the people of ACIAR but their contribution to the ongoing success, impact and learning of ACIAR is acknowledged.

Many people were contacted and interviewed to collect the stories in this book. All the information gleaned from these interactions was valuable and appreciated, and in some way has informed the content of this book. Unfortunately, not every insight, anecdote or experience made the final cut. To everyone who gave time to share their experiences of ACIAR, thank you.

Some people provided significant accounts of their experience with ACIAR and others were readily available to clarify details for the finer points of stories or assist with reviewing draft content. In particular, we thank Dr Denis Blight, Dr Bob Clements, Professor Andrew Campbell, Ms Catherine Hanley, Dr Tony Fischer, Professor David Kemp, Professor Jim McWilliam, Dr Joanne Meers, Mr Stephen Midgley, Professor Gabrielle Persley, Professor George Rothschild and Dr Meryl Williams.


Managing Editor Lucy Kealey, ACIAR

Research and writing Lucy Kealey, ACIAR; Currie Communications; Joely Taylor, Well Writ

Editing Joely Taylor, Well Writ; Anne Moorhead, Science Writer and Editor

Proofreading Joely Taylor, Well Writ; Lorna Hendry, text & type

Design and layout Lindsay Davidson, WhiteFox

Printing CanPrint Communication

Cover photograph
An aerial view of a large galip nut (canarium) tree in East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea. Photo: ACIAR | 2018

Inside cover photograph
George Tonai collects harvested cocoa pods in the Central Province of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. George participates in a cocoa-focused project, one of five projects under ACIAR–DFAT initiative, the Transformative Agriculture and Enterprise Development Program in Papua New Guinea. Photo: ACIAR | 2018

Read about and listen to the stories of ACIAR
Additional stories of ACIAR associates have been compiled in articles and blogs,
and some have been recorded as podcasts. Visit

Next Abbreviations and acronyms