ACIAR is a broker and investor of international agricultural research partnerships that address major challenges facing the people and environment of the Indo-Pacific region.
The partnerships that ACIAR establishes are varied and designed on a case-by-case basis. Many partnerships are bilateral arrangements between an Australian-based commissioned organisation and one or several in-country organisations.
Project development
Initial project ideas should be addressed to the appropriate Research Program Manager in one of the following areas:
Projects are developed in the following stages:
Concept Notes are are written and submitted by Research Program Managers, not potential project leaders. If the idea fits ACIAR and partner country criteria, and funds are likely to be available, the Research Program Manager may invite the proponent to develop the idea as a formal proposal.
Preliminary proposals are developed by the proposed Project Leader identified in the concept note, in conjunction with potential partners. A sample template which includes instructions is available here. A pre-filled version of the proposal template is made available to the proposed Project Leader for completion. Consultation is a key word for ACIAR in project development and delivery. Preparation of projects involves extensive consultation between interested parties in both Australia and potential partner countries. Preliminary proposals are assessed by ACIAR staff and independent expert referees before progressing to their final phase.
Full proposals, which include a detailed budget and evidence of partner support, are further assessed by ACIAR staff before the ACIAR CEO considers the final proposal.