
Increased lowland rice production in the Mekong region

Date released
23 January 2001
Publication Code

Shu Fukai & Jaya Basnayake


These proceedings report the outcome of an International Workshop held in Vientiane, Laos, 30 Oct to 2 Nov 2000 to coincide with the beginning of a new ACIAR project, Increased productivity of rice-based cropping systems in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Australia. The main objective of the workshop was to exchange available information that would assist development of rice-based cropping systems in Southeast Asia particularly in Laos and Cambodia. The workshop focused on thye following areas, (a) Understanding the impact of environmental constraints and methods to minimize the constraints, particularly for drought and low fertility in rainfed lowland rice and low temperature in dry seasoln irrigated rice, (b) Development of rice breeding strategies for stress environments, and Characterization of environmental factors that are constraints for rice production in the region and mapping weather and soil related factors using crop modelling and GIS.