This project aims to improve sweetpotato planting material and planting practices as part of a broader program for resilient root cropping systems, responsive to the challenges of pests and diseases and climate change.
Based on the experiences in PNG which commenced with development of pathogen-tested (PT) material and building awareness through field trials and farmer awareness, this project continues to build on existing research, by addressing recommendations to investigate yield penalties from poor planting material and planting practices.
Widely grown in PNG, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, sweetpotato is increasing in popularity in other Pacific countries. Between 2009 and 2014, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations noted a 61% increase in production in Fiji, 7% in Solomon Islands and 5% in Tonga.
Sweetpotato is identified by all Pacific Islands Countries as necessary in food nutritional security and disaster reduction strategies. Rapid production of planting material (new vines every 3 weeks), ease of planting, early maturity relative to other root crops (3-4 months) and high nutritious yields make it an ideal option in disaster recovery.