
Enhancing smallholder linkages to markets by optimising transport and logistics infrastructure

Vietnam farmer


This project aimed to evaluate opportunities to reduce logistics costs to small-scale farmers, and contribute to more informed policy on infrastructure that promotes development and access to markets in Indonesia and Vietnam

The increased demand for nutritious and affordable staple food products has driven increased trade in cattle and horticulture throughout the South-east Asian region.

One of the main focuses of this project is how the findings from the case studies are translated to impact with decision makers, the private sector and farmers (or other potential beneficiaries and donors).

Project outcomes

  • Further developing the adapted "TraNSIT" models for case studies in Indonesia and Vietnam to provide a proof-of-concept for stakeholders and develop prototype models
  • Developing an understanding of the links between infrastructure, relationships and institutional aspects of transport bottlenecks, and understand critical stakeholders and collaborators who will translate outputs into impact.
  • Understanding the capital, skills and equipment requirements to establish "" and "" within country.
  • Developing a business case and proposal for a larger project: “Linking smallholder farmers to markets: through improved transport infrastructure, logistics and investments in Indonesia and Vietnam“.