
Strategic review and planning for enhancing the livelihoods of coffee/pepper smallholders in the Central Highlands of Vietnam through improving stakeholders’ participation in agribusiness led value chains

Coffee in Vietnam


This project aimed to identify priority research, development and collaboration opportunities for sustainable, inclusive and competitive coffee and black pepper value chains in the three target provinces of the Central Highlands of Vietnam

In conjunction with ACIAR project SLAM/2018/209, this project is collecting baseline information and undertaking a situation analysis of the Robusta coffee and black pepper agribusiness contexts.

The focus is to identify bottlenecks affecting the coffee and pepper value chains and opportunities and make recommendations regarding further possible research and development work considered important. This is designed to define and introduce long-term holistic whole-of-chain improvement steps.

Overall, the project aimed to form part of a longer-term effort to improve the livelihoods of smallholders in the Central Highlands of Vietnam by developing technical solutions and upscaling innovations and impact through action research and agribusiness-led development. 

Project outcomes

  • Conducting a market trend analysis by characterising the Vietnamese Robusta coffee and black pepper positioning on world markets and assess the range of possible value chain upgrading strategies.
  • Conducting a main global value chain model typology including mapping/reviewing and categorising the major types and operational models of current value chains supplying Central Highlands coffee and pepper to global and regional markets.
  • Identifying material bottlenecks and possible leverages for a whole-of-chain improvement approach through investigating current material bottlenecks to effective and efficient chain operations and commensurate returns for Central Highlands smallholders and possible leverages.
  • Conducting capacity building, stakeholder engagement and possible further research and development work prioritization.