Livestock Systems

Forage options for smallholder livestock in water-scarce environments of Afghanistan


This project aimed to improve the livelihoods of smallholder livestock farmers in the mixed crop/livestock areas of Afghanistan that hadlimited access to water. The project could increase the availability of feed resources adapted for areas with little access to water.

This project developed economically viable and sustainable forage production systems to reduce winter feed gaps in the water constrained provinces of Baghlan and Nangarhar.

Shortages of forage limit animal productivity and put households at economic risk, particularly over winter. Producing and marketing sustainable forage is not economic because farmers lack quality seed of improved forage varieties, seed and fodder markets function poorly, and national policy is biased towards producing strategic food crops.

This project enhanced national uptake of research outputs through linking national and international research systems and input, marketing and service providers. Women play important roles within integrated crop and livestock production systems; in developing socially sustainable forage production systems, this project aimed to ensure equitable access to knowledge, public and private services.