Assessing and extending schemes to enhance the profitability of the PNG coffee industry via price premiums for quality

Map of Papua New Guinea


This project aimed to improve economic returns to PNG smallholder coffee producers and the industry through delivering a more consistent and higher quality product.

Coffee is the second most important agricultural export crop in PNG. The smallholder sector generally produces fair average quality coffee (Y grade), which is consistently discounted against the New York “C” price. The main complaint from buyers is the inconsistency in quality from season-to-season and from shipment-to-shipment.

Project outcomes

  • Described innovative collaborative collection, pricing and processing schemes seeking to achieve superior quality coffee.
  • Expanded understanding of the factors influencing the adoption and on-going success of those innovative schemes and strategies for the successful expansion of these schemes.
  • Promoted and facilitated the extension and replication of successful schemes within the PNG coffee industry.