Enhancing role of small scale feed milling in the development of the monogastric industries in Papua New Guinea

Line drawing of chicken people and plants representing Social Systems program


This project helped to determine the factors affecting the development of mini feed mills in PNG. It formulated a range of least-cost diets using local feed resources that could be produced by mini mills which meet the nutritional requirements of the most popular farmed fish, pigs and poultry in PNG. The aim was to facilitate the adoption of mini feed mills to improve smallholder and semi commercial enterprise profitability.

Smallholder and semi commercial aquaculture, pig and poultry farming make an important contribution to the livelihoods of rural households in Papua New Guinea (PNG). An increasing number of farms are being established around major urban markets because of the demand for high quality animal protein. Farm viability is vulnerable due to the rising costs of imported ingredients and the lack of cheap feed made from local ingredients.

Local feed resources are available that could be utilised more effectively for feeding fish, pigs and poultry. It is crucial to assist farmers develop cheap balanced diets and encourage the establishment of small scale feed mills to make cheaper concentrate diets based mainly on local feed resources rather than imported ingredients.