This project aimed to improve agricultural development and food security by shifting the focus of Myanmar's agricultural research and development onto farmer decisions and effective farmer extension strategies in the Central Dry Zone and Ayeyarwady Delta.
Myanmar's socio-political goals had focused on national and international efforts to develop and modernise agriculture and maintain food security. Academic research, adopting new technology and reforming extension services in agriculture are crucial for these sectors to sustainably develop.
ACIAR focused on understanding the diversity of rural livelihoods and understanding household decisions that drive change. The project investigated landlessness, labour and mechanisation, land tenure security, agricultural extension services of government and non-government institutions, and the private sector. Once these were understood, the project targeted issues and drivers shaping rural livelihoods.
To support a fresh approach in policy and extension, the project developed a livelihood typology for both the Central Dry Zone and the Ayeyarwady Delta. The typology reflected the breadth and diversity of rural livelihoods and how farmers contribute to the agricultural process.