
Applying wheat quality markers in India

different grains in different sized bags and barrels


This project aimed to provide opportunities for breeding and developing biscuit cultivars. In the long term, it aimed to serve as a model for integrating cross prediction technologies into Indian wheat breeding.

Biscuits are widely consumed in India, but elite biscuit quality cultivars are not available to Indian farmers or industry. Australia has elite biscuit cultivars that are expected to perform at levels beyond those of landraces and many other potential sources of genes needed to develop biscuit cultivars adapted to Indian conditions.

Project outcomes

  • Identified genes with diagnostic markers of interest to both Indian and Australian wheat breeders.
  • Working with Indian wheat breeders, developed strategies for using molecular markers to design crosses for developing biscuit cultivars.
  • Identified and transferred to India elite Australian biscuit wheat cultivars to be used as parents in the breeding of biscuit cultivars adapted to Indian conditions.

Project final report