Soil and Land Management

Defining the potential for mangrove-based agribusiness transformation in the coastal Mekong Delta

Two people putting catch in bucket in a mangrove
Map of Vietnam


This project aims to support the co-production, by multiple levels of Vietnamese decision-makers, of a realistic vision for mangroves and land-use transitions under climate change in the increasingly inundated coastal zone of the Mekong Delta. 

To support a realistic vision, the project will synthesise the current understanding of the biophysical and agribusiness potential for mangrove-based systems under climate trajectories, the ability of mangroves to tackle multiple development challenges and aspirations especially to benefit local people, and the interest from Vietnamese governments in trialling adaptation pathways or climate-resilient development pathways transition processes. The project will also clarify directions for a potential larger research collaboration supported by ACIAR on climate-resilient land-use transitions in the coastal zone of the Mekong Delta. 

Project activities and expected outcomes 

  • Delivering a workshop to conduct stakeholder consultation, stocktake available knowledge, and identify partnerships for research activities. 
  • Synthesising current biophysical knowledge of mangrove viability, expansion and/or retreat inland under increasing climate trajectories. 
  • Synthesising current knowledge to reveal associated opportunities and challenges for sustainable mangrove agri-business. 
  • Conducting political economy analyses to clarify opportunities for addressing multiple development challenges and aligning multiple actors. 
  • Organising a multi-actor dialogue to discuss findings from the abovementioned activities, co-produce a vision for the coastal zone, and explore how transition processes like adaptation pathways could be helpful.