
Plant Health-a Major Challenge to achieving Sustainable 'Green' Agriculture in Myanmar

different grains in different sized bags and barrels


This project aimed to bench-mark farmers’ current pest management practices and pesticide use/misuse in food crops and develop practical recommendations and actions to address current and potential future problems.

Rice remains the predominant commodity for domestic food security and export income in Myanmar. However, increases in pesticide-related poisoning in rural communities are now a matter of major national concern in Myanmar, especially where there is illegal cross-border trade in pesticides. 

The main objective of this project was to address these challenges, as it is now widely accepted that pesticide misuse poses major problems globally for food security and safety, human health, pollution of water/soil resources as well for non-target organisms including pollinators. As a Small Research Activity, the project focused on a few selected issues of highest priority associated with addressing these challenges in Myanmar, with rice and vegetables as exemplar crops in the Delta and Central Dry Zone areas.

Project outcomes

  • Addressing the information gap concerning the sustainable integrated management of rice and vegetable pests in Myanmar – with particular reference pesticide use and misuse in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Central Dry Zone.
  • Understanding the current situation regarding the management of rice and vegetable pests in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Central Dry Zone, including pesticide use and misuse.