
Vietnamese molluscan biosecurity and veterinary diagnostic capacity review


While Asia accounts for most of the world's bivalve aquaculture production, Vietnam, despite its rich coastal resources, produced just 190,000 tonnes in 2005. There is substantial opportunity to improve the lives of smallholders through their involvement in a growing industry.

This project was part of a broader program helping to build high-value fishery product opportunities in Vietnam. It helped to ensure that the productivity growth and market-driven improvement in rural livelihoods arising from the development of bivalve hatchery production capacity in northern Vietnam (ACIAR FIS 2005/114) could be sustained.

Specifically, the project assessed molluscan biosecurity and veterinary capacity within Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Following a review of disease threats, diagnostic capacity and the regulatory and management frameworks, advice on measures to improve regional diagnostic capacity and biosecurity was provided.

Project final report
