
Improving community-based aquaculture in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Vanuatu

Coral under the sea in Australia
Project code
AUD 1,563,715
Project leader
Robert Jimmy - Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Commissioned organisation
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
OCT 2013
JUN 2018
Project status
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This project aimed to develop profitable aquaculture systems, focusing on tilapia, freshwater prawns and sea cucumber. These systems improved the value of aquaculture production, nutrition and livelihoods in rural communities through better access to aquaculture technologies and management systems.

Demand for seafood is increasing in the Pacific, and developments to maintain coastal fish supplies and increase production from aquaculture are needed to keep up with this demand.

The project focussed on tilapia and freshwater prawn culture in Fiji and Vanuatu, tilapia culture in Samoa and sea cucumber (sandfish) culture in Kiribati. The project addressed capacity constraints that hinder hatchery seed production, developed technologies to make fingerlings more accessible to farmers, and trained locals. This project investigated how aquaculture affects household income, nutrition, and the status of women and children. It integrated aquaculture with fisheries, and encouraged better coastal fisheries management.

The outcomes included more fish available for consumption, and more profitable and sustainable aquaculture enterprises, contributing to improved nutrition and income generation in Pacific communities.

Key partners
James Cook University
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture
Fisheries and Biosecurity
Ministry of Fisheries and Forests
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development
Queensland University of Technology
The University of the South Pacific
Worldfish Center