
Policy analysis for forest plantations in Lao PDR and Vietnam

forest plantation


This project aimed to inform and engage policy makers for forest plantations in Lao PDR and Viet Nam to improve regional and national economic impacts of forest plantations.

Governments in Lao PDR and Viet Nam aim for national development through building human capacity, developing industry and sustaining the environment. Forest plantations play a key role in achieving these development aims, and both countries have policies to increase plantation areas to support national goals.

By Improving plantations, this is ultimately improving local livelihoods, poverty alleviation, developing linkages between the processing industry and smallholder growers, and improving environmental outcomes. While policy objectives are similar, the two countries have quite different experiences with plantation development.

Project outcomes

  • Informing development of new laws, decrees and regulations for forest plantations in Lao PDR and Vietnam based on the outputs from Project ADP/2014/047.
  • Engaging policy makers and stakeholders in dialogue on new policy options for forest plantations.
  • Better informing policy makers of the regional and national economic impacts of forest plantations.

Project final report