This project aims to diversify and expand smallholder incomes in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB) by participating in sustainable, indigenous nut industries.
The research will assess ARoB nut supply, explore opportunities for smallholders and small-to-medium enterprises (SME), and identify successful interventions for developing nut products and linking to markets.
The region heavily relies on smallholder agriculture, with two-thirds of its population being smallholder farmers. The Bougainville Government aims to diversify and increase cash crop exports by developing downstream cash-crop processing, entrepreneurial skills, and SME support. The research will contribute to global scientific knowledge by answering questions about nut processing methods, preserving nutritional values, and food safety.
The project will build ARoB capacity in value-adding for smallholders, microenterprises, processors, and the government, ultimately achieving market access for nut products for ARoB stakeholders.