
School Food Revolution: Evaluating opportunities for further research


Successes and evidence from around the world demonstrate the potential for multiple benefits – enhanced nutrition, improved school performance and achievement, employment and national economic growth - of locally sourced school meals. The purchasing of food for schools from local farmers can support farming households and livelihoods, and promote sustainable local markets for diverse, nutritious foods. Well-planned and joined-up interventions have the potential to realize much synergy and multiple wins at many levels. While many local and national governments are today implementing components of such an approach, few are integrating the different components to create these multiple benefits. This includes the better integration of more underutilized, nutrient-rich food biodiversity.

This project aimed to build upon the existing work by reviewing the lessons learned from the initial pilot study, defining key knowledge gaps and the likely constraints and opportunities relating to extending this procurement model to diverse situations - elsewhere in Kenya and in other East African countries - and building the partnerships to support this wider research. These key results across the three objectives are described in detail, as are the preliminary scientific, capacity, social, economic and environmental impacts. Efforts to highlight these findings and impacts are also described.