This project aimed to improve food and income security through designing and testing strategies for scaling-up fish solar tent dryers for small fish species, and improving fish smoking kilns for larger fish species
In Malawi, fish consumption contributes about 70% of animal protein and is a good source of essential fatty acids and micronutrients. The contribution of fish to food and nutrition security is, however, being threatened by high post-harvest losses, estimated at 34%.
These losses have negative implications on fish supply and incomes of factors in the fish value chain, particularly women who are involved in fish processing.
Previous ACIAR research indicated that improved fish smoking kilns and solar tent dryers are environmentally friendly, effective and economically viable fish processing technologies. However, scaling efforts have not been successful, partly because of the capital challenges faced by women and youth. Capacity challenges in terms of knowledge and marketing and access to capital among the same groups are also a hindrance.