
Improved domestic profitability and export competitiveness of selected fruit value chains in the southern Philippines and Australia program

Mangoes on a tree


The goal of the Program was to contribute to economic growth in the Philippines through increased income and improved livelihoods of tropical fruit growers in southern Philippines. The purpose of the Program was to improve the smallholder and industry profitability and export competitiveness of selected tropical fruits industries in the southern Philippines. Fruit crops targeted were mango, papaya, durian and jackfruit. The primary audience for the outcomes of this Program were medium to large scale commercial fruit growers and farmers predominantly in the regions of Leyte (VIII), northern Mindanao/Cagayan de Oro (X) and southern Mindanao/Davao (XI).

The Program had six components:

  1. Component 1 - Analysis of the constraints to selected tropical fruit (papaya) supply chains and implementation of improved quality systems for the southern Philippines and Australia. (856 KB PDF)
  2. Component 2 - Integrated management of Phytophthora diseases of durian and jackfruit in the southern Philippines. (1.12 MB PDF)
  3. Component 3 - Integrated crop management strategies for productive, profitable and sustainable production of high quality papaya fruit in the southern Philippines and Australia. (1.69 KB PDF)
  4. Component 4 - Improved and sustainable value chains for mango production in the southern Philippines and Australia. (598 KB PDF)
  5. Component 5 - Economic impacts of new technologies and policy constraints in the production of fruit in the southern Philippines and Australia. (2.21 MB PDF)
  6. Component 6 - Program Management. (578 KB PDF)

Where possible, the linkages between Components were identified and integrated into appropriate adoption and extension strategies. A key aim of this Program was to develop integrated and systems approaches to interventions addressing value chain constraints. Extension and adoption activities were areas which offered considerable potential for Component linkages, integration and efficiency in terms of funding and resourcing.

Appropriate partnerships and collaborations were developed with commercial and agri-business partners such as Del Monte, Dole and Bounty Fresh Harvest to help ensure sustainability and commercialisation of Program outcomes. The Program also sought linkages with other donors and relevant projects/programs.