
Integrated crop management practices to enhance value chain outcomes for the mango industry in Pakistan and Australia - ASLP Phase 2

A group of boxes with fruit in them


The horticulture sector in Pakistan is significant both domestically and for export production. The mango and citrus industries in Pakistan are the country's most important horticultural tree crops, with Pakistan a significant global producer and increasingly, exporter. Despite considerable plantings, however, productivity levels are low, and post-harvest losses are estimated at 40 per cent. Key issues impacting on yield and quality include inadequate irrigation and drainage, poor canopy management and the incidence of major pests and disease. In both Pakistan and Australia, significant scope exists for the further development of the mango industries, and considerable opportunity exists to target enhanced benefits to Pakistan's poor and marginalised.

HORT/2010/006 built on the knowledge obtained from two previous ACIAR projects in Pakistan, which focused on the potential markets, supply chains and post-harvest quality of mangoes, and the development of disease free nurseries through integrated orchard and disease management approaches. The objectives of HORT/2010/006 included the establishment and spread of 'clean' mango nurseries, the development of improved orchard management practices and the facilitation of capacity building capabilities in the industry to improve value chain benefit flows.

In economic terms, this project was estimated to increase gross revenue of US$1.8m per annum at a farm level. For Australia, benefits could primarily be realised through a reduction of yield losses due to postharvest disease, currently estimated at $14m annually.