This project aimed to increase the efficiency of fruit value chains; improve climatic resilience of breadfruit; provide targeted capacity building to the private sector and government extension services in support of identified fruit value chains; and enhance the engagement of smallholder farmers and communities in functional supply chains in Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga.
Fruit production in the Pacific represents less than 10% of overall horticultural output. Low-intensity and semi-commercial fruit production systems, poor postharvest handling practices and limited value chain development are factors contributing to a decline in output.
There is an emerging focus on fruit crops that enhance and diversify horticultural production to capture domestic and export market opportunities. These crops include papaya, pineapple, mango, breadfruit, and citrus.
Improved economic and disaster resilience of domestic and/or export fruit value chains in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga will also aid rural economic development, alleviate poverty and create more resilient and diverse domestic food security.