Livestock Systems

Reducing disease risks and improving food safety in smallholder pig value chains in Vietnam


The PigRISK project aimed to improve the livelihoods of smallholder pig farmers in Vietnam and improve food safety in the pork value chain.

Pork is the most popular meat in Vietnam and essential for consumer nutrition and farmer livelihoods. But is it safe? Pork in Vietnam is produced mainly by smallholders and sold fresh in traditional markets. In a country where childhood stunting is still common, animal source foods are important in healthy diets. Because demand for pork is growing, pork value chains have great potential as a pathway out of poverty.

The project built on a strong national and international partnerships to address big questions: is pork in Vietnam safe? Are the risks big and important? How best can these risks be managed?

This project synthesised important results on the effect of pork borne disease, perception and reality of risks, and promising pork safety solutions.