Livestock Systems

Assessing the potential of Point of Care diagnostic tools for developing countries



This project aimed to assess the various competing Point-Of-Care (POC) test platforms and a user needs analysis to identify existing gaps.

In recent years there has been an exponential development and bringing to market of a range of technologies that offer Point-Of-Care (POC) diagnositcs for selected human diseases and for an increasing range of animal diseases.

The technical development of POC tests present many opportunities but also challenges for authorities to know which POC tests are “fit for their intended purpose” and how to develop appropriate disease investigation and reporting protocols when field staff become more reliant on the use of POC tests and confirmatory back-up laboratory testing becomes less utulised. 

For POC tests to effectively fill a gap and serve as a ‘disruptor’ to veterinary disease diagnosis and surveillance, there needs to a comprehensive technical review and assessment of the various competing POC test platforms, the POC tests already released onto the market and a user needs analysis to identify existing gaps.

Project outcomes

  • Provided technical leadership and to demonstrate and encourage strong test validation processes for the diagnostic POC tests that are being developed or are currently being sold.
  • Identified market gaps/failures for animal disease POC tests and proposed solutions to encourage the introduction of appropriately validated tests emerging from product development pipelines.
  • Worked with stakeholders (industry, government and international agencies) to develop a guidance document on the use and best practice for POC diagnostics for animal disease investigation and surveillance.