This project aimed to explore the potential and set the necessary conditions for the formation of a multi-donor Regional African Swine Fever (ASF) Socioeconomic and Livelihood Impact Analysis (SELIA) Fund.
First reported in China in August 2018 and now in twelve Asian countries, African Swine Fever (ASF) is a severe viral disease for which there is currently no vaccine. There is a need for a more consistent methodology to analyse socio-economic and livelihood impacts of ASF in order to support governments in allocating compensation, bilateral donor agencies in designing support projects and for multi-lateral funding agencies in developing loan packages in support of sectoral reform. Adopting a more consistent methodology implies a level of coordination and cooperation between funding bodies and international organizations operating in this space – a regional fund would be an ideal vehicle for this cooperation. A regional fund could draw funds from different donors, earmarked for particular outcomes, but with a common secretariat and following an agreed framework for analysis.