
An exploration of opportunities to utilise urban organic waste for the livelihood improvement of rural and urban communities in Bangladesh and India

A hand holding a Chameleon sensor.


This SRA project set out to assess opportunities to utilise urban organic waste for the livelihood improvement of rural and urban communities in Bangladesh and India.

The objectives of the project were to:

  1. Analyse the organic waste policy contexts of Bangladesh and India
  2. Document the state of knowledge of the urban organic waste situation of Bangladesh and India
  3. Explore current practices in organic waste recycling and composting in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh and India
  4. Identify innovative practices in organic waste recycling and composting in Bangladesh, India and other developing countries


In exploring these objectives, it is clear that:

  • A supportive policy and regulatory framework exists in both countries
  • The issues of urban organic waste management are well understood
  • The scale of Municipal Solid Waste issues in large metropolitan areas creates a number of logistical barriers for organic waste recycling projects
  • There are examples of urban organic waste being successfully composted and returned to agriculture in both countries
  • Use of composting, vermiculture and other organics recycling techniques are gaining popularity in both conventional and organic farming practices.
