This project aims to revitalise the Papua New Guinea Resource Information System (PNGRIS) to deliver improved soil and land data for step-change advancements to the country’s integrated land use planning (LUP) capability.
It will focus on the development, and integration of the revitalised PNGRIS2 with an initial aim to demonstrate the value proposition of such a system to the PNG Government, the agriculture sector and international agencies working in PNG.
Case studies will be developed in the Morobe Province, a priority area for the PNG Government and one of the fastest growing provinces in the country (Bank of PNG), particularly around opportunities for further development of coffee, forestry, and other agricultural industries.
Success means the revitalised system is guided by, and dovetails with, Papua New Guinea’s (PNG’s) development policies and enabling strategies, is supported by all rural land use and planning sectors, is well-resourced after the life of the project, and has enduring impact to the country’s development.