This project aims to promote the adoption of improved and diversified maize-based farming systems that reduce soil degradation and improve smallholder livelihoods and economic viability on sloping lands in the northern mountains of Vietnam and Laos.
Smallholder maize cultivation in the northern uplands of Vietnam and Laos is expanding onto sloping lands, a practice characterised by high rates of run-off, soil erosion and nutrient loss that quickly lead to declining soil fertility and maize yields. Many areas become completely unproductive in less than 10 years.
This project aimed to evaluate the development of value chains for maize and complementary crops, forages and livestock to support more diverse and sustainable maize-based farming systems; integrate complementary crops or forages/livestock into more diverse farming systems that can maintain profitability with lower levels of erosion and loss of soil fertility; and develop outreach models and advice for local government policy to support the adoption of more diversified maize-based farming systems on the sloping lands of Vietnam and Laos.