Gender equitable agricultural extension through institutions and youth engagement in Papua New Guinea

a group of women smallholders at a cocoa plot, underneath a green tarp
Map of Papua New Guinea


This project is adapting and applying the gender-inclusive Family Farm Teams model for institutions (churches) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to empower women and youth in agriculture.

In PNG, women smallholders undertake the major labour in farming whilst also fulfilling valued social roles such as family care. However, women face significant barriers in agriculture, including very few opportunities to access agricultural training and unequal gendered family roles in labour and decision-making. Youth also face a number of barriers to productive and valued roles in agriculture, but little research has been conducted in this area to understand how youth (particularly young women) relate to agricultural issues and how to engage youth in agricultural futures.

Through the Family Farm Teams training, the economic development of women and youth will be improved through increased agricultural engagement, better nutrition, and skills in financial management. Learn more via the project page. 

Expected outcomes

  • Exploring and developing the capacity of PNG churches to work in a gender inclusive way to engage rural agricultural communities in smallholder farm development.
  • Exploring and developing pathways for increasing PNG youth involvement in family farm teams and sustainable farming futures.