
Transitioning to climate resilient water allocation planning in Pakistan

a stream of fresh water
Map of Pakistan


This small research activity aims to maintain the momentum established through previous ACIAR and DFAT projects to improve and harmonise pre- and mid-season water allocation planning processes in Pakistan.

Pakistan manages the Indus Basin Irrigation System, the world's largest continuous irrigation system, providing water, energy, and food security amidst population growth and climate change. Indus River System Authority, Water and Power Development Authority, and provincial irrigation departments share the surface water resources of the Indus Basin Irrigation System between provinces. They distribute this resource for irrigation, urban, stock, and domestic and industrial use as well as generating electricity as it travels through the system.

The Water Apportionment Accord tool, developed by CSIRO, captures this knowledge and provides a transparent, consistent process. It replicates the seasonal forecasting and subsequent 10-day allocation process of the Indus Basin Irrigation System, providing a consistent representation of rules, repeatable by all stakeholders and considerably more accurate and efficient than the existing manual processes.

This small research activity aims to update the working paper on considerations for the implementation of a mid-season extension to the planning tool and to collaborate with Pakistan water agencies to develop a full proposal for ACIAR project WAC/2022/152 Climate resilient and adaptive water allocation in Pakistan project.