
Introduction to basic crop production, post-harvest and financial management practices

Date released
24 May 2016
978 1 925436 21 1
Publication Code

P. Seta-Waken, R. Malie, P. Utama and G. Palaniappan


The material in this publication provides basic information intended for use in conjunction with the trainer’s own experience and knowledge of local conditions, practices and culture, and is sufficiently flexible to allow delivery of the specific items needed by particular groups of farmers.

This manual arises from a series of training workshops conducted as part of the ACIAR-funded project SMCN/2008/008 ‘Increasing vegetable production in Central Province, Papua New Guinea, to supply Port Moresby markets’, and also draws on findings and outcomes from other ACIAR-funded projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji.