Project final report

Harnessing appropriate-scale farm mechanization In Zimbabwe (HAFIZ) - Final Report

Date released
22 May 2024
Publication Code

Md Abdul Matin, Frédéric Baudron, Rahel Assefa, Tirivangani Koza, Kush Sira, Special Musoni, Billy Mukamuri, Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi, Jehiel Oliver, João Vasco Silva, Vimbayi Chimonyo, and Hambulo Ngoma


This project aimed to support Government and private sector investments in appropriate-scale farm mechanisation in Zimbabwe, particularly around mechanised Pfumvudza, and transfer learnings to South Africa. Overall, the project sought to improve access to mechanisation and reduce labour drudgery while stimulating the adoption of climate-smart/sustainable intensification technologies.

Four recommendation domains were identified for spatial targeting of mechanisation and appropriate-scale farm mechanisation in Zimbabwe and South Africa based on expert knowledge, publicly available spatial products, and sales data. The results suggest that investments in mechanisation should be prioritized in Northeastern Zimbabwe and Mpumalanga province in South Africa, where the biophysical and socio-economic conditions are most favourable for mechanisation.

Based on the project's findings and lessons learned, spatial targeting of appropriate-scale farm mechanisation is possible and desirable in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Socially inclusive mechanisation programs that cater to less-resourced farmers, often intersecting with women, youth, and other vulnerable groups, need to be designed. Ex-ante information on the most appropriate, cost-effective, and profitable machinery combinations to invest in also needs to be provided.

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