Project final report

Improved rice germplasm for Cambodia and Australia - Final report

Date released
14 April 2016
Publication Code

Dule Zhao (Ed)

Co-authors: Ouk Makara, Seang Layheng, Ngin Chhay, Pang Bora, Adoracion Ressurreccion, Joong Hyoun Chin, Melissa Fitzgerald, Peter Snell, Russell Ford


This project aimed to improve food security and incomes of Cambodian farmers
through improved germplasm with high yield and tolerance, and to enable the Australian rice industry to adapt to new environments.

A survey identified the rice germplasm needs of Cambodia and the key conclusion was that grain quality is as important as grain yield, and that tolerances of drought and flooding are win traits for the rainfed lowland system. These traits have been addressed in the breeding programs under this project. For Australia, the diversity of geographic locations, seasons, growing cultures, and rice varieties has allowed this project to deliver data about options for rice growing across Northern Australia.