Project final report

Smallholder cattle enterprise development in Timor-Leste - Final Report

Date released
28 February 2023
Publication Code

Prepared by: Geoffry Fordyce
Contributions by: Jong J, Amaral C, Gusmão D, Vicente J, Mali CGT, Gonzaga A, de Deus P, Coimbra L, do Karmo A, Belo Q, Araujo J, Rego FJ, Mali Code C, Correia VP, Yuliaty, Dahu S, do Rego AP, Salsinha JN, Brito M, de Deus CC, Dahlanuddin, Hilmiati N, Surtaryono Y, van de Fliert E, Quigley S, Waldron S, Silva LPS, Thorne-George E, Browne M, Coates L


This project aimed to increase the income of smallholder crop-livestock farmers and market chain operators in Timor-Leste through more efficient, commercially-oriented cattle production, and improved access to markets.

This project provides proof that commercially-oriented smallholder cattle production and marketing is profitable, is adopted by farmers and other beef supply chain participants, and paves the way for out-scaling.

View the project page