Impact assessment

Impact assessment of investment in aquaculture-based livelihoods in the Pacific islands region and tropical Australia

Date released
31 July 2018
978 1 925746 24 2
Publication Code

M Clarke and K Mikhailovich


This impact assessment study sought to understand the influence of two major aquaculture‑based livelihood projects through the lens of 40 mini-projects derived from the major projects. This novel approach to research and development delivery was a collaboration between ACIAR project leaders and stakeholders in Pacific island countries. Bottlenecks were identified that could be resolved with short‑term projects to help advance a wide range of aquaculture topics in the Pacific island countries of Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Nauru; one Pacific island territory, Wallis and Fortuna; and Australia.

Advances in aquaculture achieved through these projects, combined with advances from linked ACIAR project investments, are forecast to produce a positive return on investment. The appraisers found that final users have adopted research outputs, and this is largely attributable to the holistic approach of maintaining research team continuity and in-country presence, taking a long-term view focused on developing an industry, partnering with governments in Fiji and Tonga, and working in collaboration with the commercial sector.