Impact assessment

Knowledge systems and RAPID framework for impact assessments

Date released
26 September 2016
Publication Code

Davila, F., Sloan, T. and van Kerkhoff,


This report contributes towards the focus on the social and policy dimensions of impact. The report has two major parts. First, a new framework for impact assessments is presented. The framework integrates two distinct literatures that link research with policy outcomes. Knowledge systems (Cash et al. 2003) and the research and policy for development (RAPID)literatures (Overseas Development Institute 2004) are proposed as tools to analyse how knowledge flows among different actors in development contexts.
This framework adds to ACIAR’s impact assessment methodologies and can be used in parallel, or combination with, the common approach developed by Davis et al. (2008).

In the second part the framework is applied to an ACIAR-funded aflatoxin-reducing project in Indonesia (CP/1997/017).