Impact assessment

A review and impact assessment of ACIAR’s fruit-fly research partnerships, 1984–2007

Date released
23 September 2008
Publication Code

Lindner B. and McLeod P.


This study reviewed the full set of 17 projects on fruit flies that ACIAR has supported with many partner organisations and countries. It found that these impacts can fall into a range of areas including improved biosecurity to reduce the risk of pest incursions, improved market access for exports, new post-harvest treatments for export market access, new field control measures, new fruit crops for some areas, environmental and human health benefits, and capacity building. Overall the study shows that the return on this substantial research and development investment has been significant. The net present value of all benefits was estimated as $208.1 million (in A$2007). The present value of research investments was estimated at $22.7 million for ACIAR and $50.8 million for all collaborating partners. This gives a benefit:cost ratio of over 5:1 to the total investment and an internal rate of return of 33%.