Project final report

Sustainable Intensification of RiceMaize Production Systems in Bangladesh - final report

Date released
30 June 2013
Publication Code

Dr. Mahesh Kumar Gathala, Cropping Systems Agronomist and Project Leader, CIMMYT-Bangladesh


In Bangladesh the rise in demand for maize - as human food and from the poultry and fish industries - has led to a trend away from traditional rice-rice and rice-wheat cropping systems and toward rice-maize systems. But actual farm yields of rice and maize fall below their potential.

This project identifed, tested and promoted key interventions in four districts that could lead to sustainable cropping intensification - resulting in double- and/or triple-cropping rice-maize systems. Specific objectives to improve these systems were:

  1. to assess and prioritise constraints to, and opportunities for, uptake of improved management options;
  2. to evaluate and identify elite maize germplasm tolerant of excess moisture;
  3. to develop locally adapted management solutions for high-yielding, profitable, resource-efficient, and sustainable rice-maize systems;
  4. to build capacity and disseminate key technologies.

View project page.