Giant grouper was identified as a high-value, fast-growing fish species with significant aquaculture potential for Vietnam, the Philippines and Australia. However, its economic potential was limited by inefficient commercial production of juvenile fish, a lack of knowledge about maturation and spawning behaviour, and low larval survival rates.
Two ACIAR-funded projects were established to investigate sustainable technologies for grouper breeding, genetic broodstock management and larval-rearing technologies. The goal of the project was to establish a sustainable grouper industry in partner countries and strengthen the regional aquaculture industry.
This evaluation of the projects found that the research contributed to the hybrid grouper becoming a profitable and preferred crop for hatcheries and grow-out farmers. The projects also reduced the reliance on imported fingerlings and potentially decreased the pressure on wild grouper populations. Hybrid grouper was suited to different farm sizes, including small-scale farms. Overall, the evaluation found that improved availability of hybrid grouper aquaculture has had a positive and lasting impact on household income and wellbeing in the region.