
Indonesian seed potato value chains - analysis of development opportunities

close-up of a brown cow in a pasture with cows in the background


This project compared the benefits of a Partial Seed Scheme with other approaches, including the use of Indonesian government certified seed, private seed production and aeroponics-based production.

Potatoes are a priority crop targeted for development by the Indonesian government. Lack of affordable and good-quality seed potatoes has been identified as one of the major constraints of potato production. This research built on previous work that recommended a Partial Seed Scheme to address this constraint, whereby seeds were initially imported from Australia and then multiplied in country to enable cheaper prices than fully imported seeds. Outputs could include a final analysis report and a proposal for a seed potato development project for eastern Indonesia.


A successful demonstration of improved seed quality and reduced seed cost should enable the Partial Seed Scheme to be adopted as an official Indonesia seed supply chain. This will enable the production of both Granola and Atlantic seed by this seed supply chain.

The potato crop provides employment opportunities for the rural poor. A PSS which improves seed quality and reduces seed cost, combined with a program of FIL to improve crop management, will increase the competitiveness of the potato industry and so help the poor.
