Assessment and improvement of quality management during post harvest processing and storage of coffee in Papua New Guinea

close-up of a brown cow in a pasture with cows in the background
Map of Papua New Guinea


This project aimed to enhance the long-term viability of the coffee industry, through standardising post-harvest practises, to reduce the variability currently found in this commodity.

The project reviewed all the post-harvest steps affecting coffee quality and grade/sales potential, and developed standardised handling systems for coffee orchards near roads and for more isolated growing regions.

Project outcomes

  • Assessed postharvest system constraints to smallholder management of coffee quality and product consistency.
  • Developed and test solutions to system deficiencies, with particular attention to improvement of drying and storage.
  • Devised and implemented strategies for the adoption of system improvements.
  • Built research capacity, providing an equipped laboratory and training for research staff at PNG’s Coffee Research Institute.