This project aimed to provide a sustainable basis for the further development of a mariculture sector in PNG and to further build capacity within country partner organisations and coastal communities to support this development.
Outputs from this project have had regional uptake and impacts. For example, NIMRF staff participated in the SPC Regional Exchange on Sandfish Aquaculture where they disseminated project-developed sandfish culture procedures, particularly relating to the use of micro-algae as a larval food source. NIMRF staff have also been engaged directly Final report: Improving technical and institutional capacity to support development of mariculture based livelihoods and industry in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea by SPC to train private sector aquaculture practitioners from the region. There has been broad international uptake of the use of micro-algae concentrates as a hatchery food source for a variety of species.
Project outcomes
- Further development of community-based mariculture and improved livelihood opportunities.
- Attainment of extensive information relating to the feasibility of various potential mariculture activities with emphasis on village-based culture systems.
- Greater institutional awareness of regional mariculture potential and improved capabilities to support sustainable mariculture development and increased household livelihood opportunities.
- Improved mariculture production methods for sea cucumbers and ornamental species which both support fledgling industries in Australia, and potential for trade development with the Australian aquarium supply industry.
- Greater community awareness of mariculture opportunities in PNG, where there has been no real mariculture tradition.
- Potential income generation opportunities for women and young people.