This project aimed to accelerate the development of finfish mariculture in Cambodia through a South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) between Cambodia (beneficiary partner), Indonesia (pivotal partner), and Australia (facilitating partner).
The project leveraged previous and ongoing ACIAR R&D investments in finfish mariculture at RICAFE Maros, South Sulawesi, and IMRAFE Gondol, Bali, to train researchers from the Department of Aquaculture Development, Fisheries Administration, Cambodia, in fish nutrition and feed development, larval rearing, and disease diagnosis.
A gendered value chain analysis of finfish mariculture in Cambodia found that women participate in all nodes of the value chain, except going on fishing boats catching the ‘trash’ fish. The fish farm is perceived as a family business, in which men, women, and youths participate equally. Women are dominant in trade-related nodes, both as traders of ‘trash’ fish and farmed fish. Men are more present in the fingerling trade and as farmed fish wholesalers.
This study identified a range of constraints to the continued development of sustainable mariculture in Cambodia, many of which are being addressed through the training provided under this project.