This project aimed to increase the capacities of Ethiopian measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) entities for MRV of low-emission livestock development.
Embedded within the CCAFS project and its partnerships, this project supports improvements in methods and procedures used to produce and manage the livestock activity data required for MRV. With focus on administrative data that is needed for periodic MRV, and data gaps that can be filled through surveys, this project assessed capacities for data production and management, and develop and pilot improvement options together with data producers, national researchers and MRV users.
Ethiopia is addressing climate change through its Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy. CRGE has been integrated into national development planning and is the basis for Ethiopia’s NDC. Livestock is one of seven priority areas. Targeted livestock interventions include improving productivity, promoting low-emission livestock types (i.e. small ruminants, poultry), mechanisation to replace oxen, and rangeland management.
The CRGE Facility was established to combine domestic and international Official Development Assistance (ODA) and climate finance in support of CRGE interventions. Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of CRGE implementation progress and its climate effects in each sector, including livestock, is critical to enable Ethiopia to leverage additional climate finance investment as well as for informing domestic policies and meeting the country’s international obligations.