
Bridging the gap: Mitigating risk and scaling-out profitable cropping system intensification practices in the salt-affected coastal zones of the Ganges Delta

People in a field of crops West Bengal


This project aimed to sustainably increase cropping intensity and productivity in the salt-affected coastal zones of the Ganges Delta by mitigating risk and scaling-out profitable cropping system intensification practices achieved through integrated soil, water and crop management.

This project is to support continuation of field programs during transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of a program of research on cropping systems in the salt-affected coastal zone of the Ganges Delta.

The project is following on from successful completion of the project ‘Cropping system intensification in the salt-affected coastal zones of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India (LWR/2014/073). The second phase project will aim to develop climate resilient management and cropping systems which increase cropping intensity and productivity, tailored to target different land classes based on remote-sensing based characterizations  across the coastal zones of the Ganges Delta.

Project outcomes

  • Extend and test suitable cropping system management options and water and salt management strategies through field evaluation and co-learning with farmers in the Rabi season of 2020-21.
  • Set up demonstration sites in a few other places in the coastal zone and select cropping and management options for modelling, risk analysis and for wider adoption. Evaluate the results of the demonstration for suitability of wider adoption based on methodology and criteria used in the Phase I project.