This project aimed to identify and review options, opportunities and risks for brackish aquaculture in the southern Indus Basin, as a potentially transformative adaptation strategy for areas affected by salinity.
Salinity problems in Pakistan’s agriculture have been longstanding, and work over the years has largely adopted engineering approaches to the problem. Since 1980, several projects supported by various national and international agencies have attempted to improve the situation, but aquaculture has not been fully explored as an option for saline areas.
This project developed a shared understanding of the potential of saline aquaculture with farming communities and relevant government and non-government agencies as a productive and profitable new farming activity for smallholders living in marginalized saline areas of the Southern Punjab and Sindh Provinces.
This project conducted an assessment of the options, opportunities, and risks for brackish aquaculture in the southern Indus basin in Pakistan, and the extent to which aquaculture could provide a transformative adaptation option for agricultural areas affected by or are at risk of salinization in the region. The results of the project will feed directly into the policy and scenario analysis of the Salinity in Pakistan project (LWR/2017/028), as well as informing policy directions for enhancing the production of saline aquaculture in Pakistan.