Project final report

Climate-smart landscapes for promoting sustainability of Pacific Island agricultural systems - Final Report

Date released
12 September 2023
Publication Code

Bryan Boruff, Eleanor Bruce, John Duncan


This project aimed to use community management of agricultural landscapes across Fiji and Tonga to increase or protect environmental livelihoods from climate change.

Fiji and Tonga's population heavily relies on landscape services for livelihoods, making them vulnerable to climate change impacts. The agriculture sector is crucial for economic development and poverty alleviation. However, climate impacts can propagate across systems, making it difficult to predict their impacts.

To improve cross-level communication between stakeholders, and communities, this research project developed a geospatial platform that facilitated the identification of climate-smart landscape adaptation responses.

The project developed workflows and tools for geospatial and non-spatial data collection, rapid mapping, and household surveys, fostering knowledge co-production to understand agricultural landscape diversity in Fiji and Tonga, and improving livelihoods and farm decision-making.

View the project page